Birthday Bash: Chomp and Clack Alligator Wooden Push Toy Review ~ The Review Stew
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Birthday Bash: Chomp and Clack Alligator Wooden Push Toy Review

My son is just starting to walk alone but he really loves to walk like crazy while holding onto something. His favorite toy to push around is his new Chomp and Clack Alligator Wooden Push Toy by Melissa & Doug from

The enormous selection of wooden toys makes the perfect place for parents of toddlers and preschool children who love wood toys to shop! They've built their business on quality wooden toys that last and have great play value at great prices. Featuring wooden toys from Melissa & Doug, Guidecraft, Haba, Hape, Automoblox, Boikido, and many many more! Find wooden blocks, wooden craft kits, wooden dollhouses, wood easels, wooden play food, wooden play kitchens, wood puppet theaters, wooden puzzles, wooden toddler toys, wooden train sets, wooden workbenches, and wooden cars & vehicles!

The Chomp and Clack Alligator Wooden Push Toy by Melissa and Doug has three gators that will charm everyone as they take turns chomping with every step! A multi-faceted wooden toy that encourages walking and discovery. Graphic details feature cattails on the handle supports, fish on the wheels and spinning butterfly and ladybug beads. This incredible toy encourages gross and fine motor skills, while developing hand-eye coordination. It is brightly painted with non-toxic paint.

My Opinion
I love this push toy for so many reasons!

First, I love that it is by Melissa and Doug. They are my absolute favorite toy company because I know they only make safe and non-toxic toys that are safe for my son to play with and chew on! :)

Second of all, I love that it is the perfect size for my son. It is the perfect height for him to push around all over the place. It is fun for him to watch as he pushes because the alligators' mouths open and shut!

I recommend the Chomp and Clack Alligator Wooden Push Toy for all children of walking age! It is fun to push, the perfect size for your little ones, and is safe and non-toxic!

Buy It: You can purchase Chomp and Clack Alligator Wooden Push Toy for $39.99 on

* Thank you to for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*

This Product Was a Free Giveaway


Anonymous said... 1

Just an fyi that if you have an infant that still chews on toys, I'd either keep Melissa and Doug away until they're older or test your toys! They've had recalls of high amounts of lead and other elements in their paint, and I have done leach testing for lead myself on multiple Melissa and Doug toys and came up with higher than allowable amounts of lead in the paint. They try to follow guidelines but because their toys are made in China they are not 100% trusted by many people. If you want true non-toxic wooden toys look for toys with paints without lead in them, like soy inks or water based inks, or just plain rubber wood toys, I won't site any specific companies here but there are many out there.
I do love the education component and how fun Melissa and Doug toys are and have many myself but kept them away from my little girl until she stopped chewing on the wood pieces. It's a personal decision but if you go to a store that sells non-toxic toys only you will not see Melissa and Doug. I can only hope that they will change their policy in the future to use different paints and manufacture other than China cause I would love to start buying their products again! But they will not be on our Christmas list this year.