Weight Loss Event: n-fini Shapewear Review and Giveaway ~ The Review Stew
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Weight Loss Event: n-fini Shapewear Review and Giveaway

What woman couldn't use a little more tucking in, flattening out, or covering up?? I know I can! n-fini has some great shapewear to help us out!

At n-fini they devote themselves to provide superior quality apparel. Their concepts are the most contemporary. They skimp on nothing that will compromise the quality of their product lines or the promise to provide beautiful and effective products to their clientele. They are proud of their reputation for offering essential wardrobe components that offer style and comfort. They consistently research products based on current trends and the input from their clients. They provide the wearer of their products with an entirely new experience.

Conventional shapewear moves and shifts and binds and rolls. It is typically an on-going battle to adjust it and tug it back into place. What you risk is a bulge where you don’t want one or being caught in the act of tweaking your undergarment. The creeping bands and rolling fabric detract from your appearance and completely distract you from the moment.

The solution is n-fini shape’s Serpentine Gel. Our gel is applied in a scalloped pattern along the hemlines of each piece. Never again will you need to focus on what should be virtually invisible, your support.
Their gel keeps your shapewear in place but allows your body to breathe and your look to remain refined. Be comfortable in your own skin and move freely with the confidence that you are smooth and shapely.

I received the LYCRA Strapless Shaper. The freeing strapless design allows you to wear this piece under any top. Gentle elastic fabric supports breasts while the underwire provides extra support without digging, and bra lines and back bulges are eliminated. Unique knitting shapes midriff with a patented wide hem to prevent rolling and digging. The material is light and breathable, allowing you to wear it all day long without digging or restricting.

The classic strapless shaper is meticulously designed to be luxurious and comfortable and to target torso and tummy to be minimized or enhanced. They use only the finest microfiber luxury nylon yarns and specially engineered LYCRA fiber. No matter your body type or the style of your outfit, these sensuously soft fabrics slip on easily but pinpoint the zones that need control. You can move all day and dance all night with a flexible foundation that makes your clothes fit as they should and makes you forget you’re wearing anything but a great look.

My Opinion
I was super excited to try out this strapless shaper! I am always searching for a good supportive strapless bra and now I can have one that thins and smooths me too!

The shaper actually had underwire cups for support and that really helped! Was it enough support for me? Probably not, but it definitely is better than nothing at all!

The shaper fit super comfortably and smoothed out all my trouble spots! It looked great and made me look great under my favorite strapless top!

I recommend n-fini products for all woman that just need that extra little help tucking away troubling spots and smoothing it all away! Their products are comfortable and effective!

Buy It: You can purchase the Strapless Shaper for $64.95 on the n-fini website

Win It: n-fini is generously offering (1) $50.00 gift card to a lucky winner!

Enter here for a chance to win:
(1) $50.00 gift card valid at n-fini

Ok, here are the rules:
1) This giveaway will end October 18, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. (noon) central time.

2) Must include email address in comment/entry to qualify to win (so I can let you know you won) or tell me it is in your profile

How to Enter:

***Mandatory Entry***
(must do this one before all others to qualify to win)

- Be a follower of The Review Stew on Google Friend Connect (publicly) and tell me you are currently one or became one in a comment below

Extra Entries (Make a Separate Comment For Each!!):
1) Subscribe to my feed by clicking on the book or subscribe by email (must confirm address) on left hand side of blog - let me know you did in a comment

2) Go to n-fini.com and sign up on the left hand side of the site to join the mailing list and receive n-fini’s on-line newsletter.

3) Become a fan of n-fini on Facebook - tell me in a comment and write on their wall: "I just entered for a chance to win a $50 n-fini gift certificate! Come check it out and enter for yourself at http://thereviewstew.blogspot.com"

4) Vote for my blog on Top Mommy Blogs, Top Baby Blogs, or We're On the Fence - make a separate comment for each

5) Enter any of my other giveaways - see the list on right hand side of blog. Let me know each giveaway entered in a comment (up to 5 entries only for giveaways entered)

6) Grab my Birthday Bash button, Holiday Gift Guide button or my blog button and post it on your blog - let me know you did and the link to your blog in a comment.

7) Become a Facebook fan of The Review Stew - let me know in a comment (TWO ENTRIES!!!)

Winners will be chosen randomly by Random.org, contacted by email and n-fini will send your prize.

* Thank you to n-fini for their generous samples for review!
Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*


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michtuck said... 137

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