Eat and Snack Smarter with Del Monte Fruit Cups ~ The Review Stew
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Eat and Snack Smarter with Del Monte Fruit Cups

Ok, tell me if you face the same situation in your house that I face in mine...

Making sure your children and/or husband are eating and snacking healthy foods while they are away from home. 

For dinners and on the weekend, I am in charge of meals for everyone so I can personally make sure everyone is eating healthy meals and snacks. But during the day when my husband is gone for breakfast, lunch and snacks, I don't know (or DON'T WANT TO KNOW!) what he is eating...out of the vending machines, fast food, candy bars, etc. I think if he had the choice (and no health risks!), he would eat out every meal and eat a candy bar, donut or sweet for every snack!

But as he has learned over the years from me and from experience, he needs to eat balanced, healthy meals throughout the day along with healthy snacks to keep up his energy levels, prevent weight gain, and prevent any health risk/diseases.

I always try to encourage him to take fruit and vegetables for snacks and for lunch but it can be hard to bring fresh fruit to work. So when I saw that Del Monte recently released new fruit cups that have only 60 calories per serving, are gluten free, and do not include high fructose corn syrup, we immediately headed to our local Walmart to pick some Del Monte Fruit Cups out. I really wanted to encourage him to try taking them to work and eating them for snack. You can see my entire shopping trip in my Google + Album.

There are four individual cups in each package and they are PERFECT for bringing to work as snacks throughout the day! My husband gets a serving of fruit in each cup and they don't have any of the icky high fructose corn syrup!

Plus, the new flavors, Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor and Diced Pears with Vanilla & Spice sound so delicious!

And they were!!!

My husband was a little hesitant at first to try them but I asked him to take them to work and give them a try! He came back home that evening and almost the first thing out of his mouth is how much he really liked the Del Monte fruit cups!! They make a perfect snack at work and can be eaten anywhere anytime with ease and that is really important to him!

His favorite flavor was Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor but he liked the Diced Pears with Vanilla & Spice too! (As you can tell from his "Mmmmm...this is good!" face below!)

If you want to try out the new Del Monte Fruit Cups as a healthy alternative to your normal snack or meals, then make sure to use this online coupon and save at the same time! These Del Monte fruit cups are not only really tasty, but they make an easy, healthy snack in the day that can easily replace other "easy" snacks that aren't as healthy!

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* I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Del Monte #CBias #SocialFabric” All experiences and opinions are 100% mine. *


Alicia said...

I love the satisfied look on his face:) Too funny!