Birthday Bash: Stay-Calm Cupcakes Review ~ The Review Stew
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthday Bash: Stay-Calm Cupcakes Review

With so many guests coming to my son's first birthday parties, I decided to make cupcakes to make it easier on myself! :) I found a great cupcake shop, Stay-Calm Cupcake Shop, to help me out!

Jill at Stay-Calm Cupcake Shop loves all things cupcakes! It is her goal to help make all of your events a SWEET success!

Check out her cupcake recipe blog, "Stay Calm, Have a Cupcake"

My Opinion
I received cupcakes, a bag of frosting, and sprinkles from Stay-Calm Cupcake Shop so that I could decorate them myself.

I had fun decorating them with the frosting and my elephant toppers for the party! The cupcakes were a big hit and everyone loved them! The cupcakes were a little dry because I received them a couple days early but the frosting was delicious!

I recommend Stay-Calm Cupcake Shop for all your parties! Save yourself some time and enjoy the delicious cupcakes from Stay-Calm Cupcake Shop!

Buy It: You can purchase six cupcakes with frosting and sprinkles for $10.00 from the Stay-Calm Cupcakes Etsy shop.

* Thank you to Stay-Calm Cupcake Shop for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*