Birthday Bash: Paperspring Review and Giveaway ~ The Review Stew
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Birthday Bash: Paperspring Review and Giveaway

I knew after my son's birthday parties, I was definitely going to need some thank you's! Paperspring helped me out and I received some great thank you's!

Paperspring is about sharing and celebrating the important moments in life. In our fast-paced world of e-mail, text messages and other virtual communication, it's still nice to stop for a moment and feel something. The texture of matte paper, the beauty of printed materials, and the portability of paper products make paper a timeless and cherished technology. Their purpose is to bring life to paper and paper to life!

With their expertise in the commercial printing industry, mastered over more than 40 years, they take tremendous pride in the quality of all our products, including: their photo baby announcements, photo birth announcements, photo holiday cards, baby shower invitations, birthday party invitations, baptism invitations, thank you cards, moving announcements, graduation announcements, birth announcements for twins, adoption announcements, photo Christmas cards, wedding invitations, bridal shower invitations and save the date cards.

My Opinion
I knew I wanted some cute thank you's to use for after my son's birthday party! I definitely found them at Paperspring!

I received the cute Shower of Love thank you's pictured above and I loved that I could personalized both the outside and the inside with the words I wanted so that I could print "Thank You" on the front and our family's signature on the inside! It will definitely save me some writing! :)

They were easy to personalize and order and it all went smoothly and quickly! I loved that too!

I recommend Paperspring for all your announcements, invitations and thank you cards! They have a great selection and it is so great to personalize the cards exactly as you would like!

Buy It: You can purchase the Shower of Love Thank You's with free envelopes for $47.25 for 25 cards on the Paperspring website.

Win It: Paperspring is generously offering (1) $50 gift card to a lucky winner!

Enter here for a chance to win:
$50 gift card to Paperspring

Ok, here are the rules:
1) This giveaway will end November 8, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. (noon) central time.

2) Must include email address in comment/entry to qualify to win (so I can let you know you won) or tell me it is in your profile

How to Enter:

***Mandatory Entry***
(must do this one before all others to qualify to win)

- Be a follower of The Review Stew on Google Friend Connect (publicly) and tell me you are currently one or became one in a comment below

Extra Entries (Make a Separate Comment For Each!!):
1) Subscribe to my feed by clicking on the book or subscribe by email (must confirm address) on left hand side of blog - let me know you did in a comment

2) Become a Facebook fan of The Review Stew - let me know in a comment (TWO ENTRIES!!!)

3) Become a Facebook fan of Paperspring and leave this comment on their wall: "I just entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Paperspring! Check it out and enter for yourself at"

4) Vote for my blog on Top Mommy Blogs, Top Baby Blogs, or We're On the Fence - make a separate comment for each

5) Enter any of my other giveaways - see the list on right hand side of blog. Let me know each giveaway entered in a comment (up to 5 entries only for giveaways entered)

6) Grab my Birthday Bash button, Holiday Gift button or my blog button and post it on your blog - let me know you did and the link to your blog in a comment.

Winners will be chosen randomly by, contacted by email and Paperspring will send your prize by email.

* Thank you to Paperspring for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*


peg42 said... 1

I'm a GFC follower (Rickpeggysmith)
Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.

peg42 said... 2

I'm a FB friend (Margaret E. Smith)
Thanks for this giveaway.

peg42 said... 3

I'm a Facebook fan of Paperspring (Margaret E. Smith) and left the comment on thier wall.

peg42 said... 4

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peg42 said... 5

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peg42 said... 6

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Patricia N said... 7

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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

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Patricia N said... 10

I'm a Facebook fan of The Review Stew as Patti Mercier Nicklas
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 11

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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 12

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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 13

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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 14

I entered the Sunglass Warehouse giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 15

I entered the Little One Books giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Brandi Elam said... 16

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brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 17

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Josefine said... 19

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Josefine said... 20

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Josefine said... 21

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Josefine said... 22

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jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 23

I entered the Lundberg giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 24

I entered the Little One Books giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 25

I entered the Zak Designs giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 26

I entered the Pink Princess giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 27

I entered the Happy Baby giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

slb3334 said... 28

I follow on gfc

Patricia said... 29

GFC Follower~

patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said... 30

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patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said... 31

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patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said... 32

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patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said... 33

Voted for your blog on We're On the Fence~

patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 34

Public Blog Follower!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 35

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Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 36

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Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 37

Voted via Top Baby Blogs
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 38

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Sharon Harmon said... 39

Google Friend Connect Follower ;)

Kim said... 40

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Kim said... 41

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Kim said... 42

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Kim said... 43

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Kim said... 44

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Kim said... 45

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Kim said... 46

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Kim said... 47

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Kim said... 48

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Kim said... 49

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mogrill said... 50

I am a follower.
Thanks for the chance.

Shannon said... 51

GFC follower!

Shannon said... 52

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Shannon said... 53

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Shannon said... 54

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Shannon said... 55

voted on top mommy blogs

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Shannon said... 57

voted on picket fence

Shannon said... 58

entered your milson road giveaway

The Fam said... 59

I'm a follower! I love this company, thank you for the giveaway!

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

The Fam said... 60

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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Michelle said... 61

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Michelle said... 62

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Michelle said... 63

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Michelle said... 64

I entered your Little Scholastic giveaway.

Laurah said... 65

Paperspring has the cutest cards. Follow you via GFC

Renee G said... 66

I follow as Renee G on GFC.

Renee G said... 67

Entered the HappyBaby Guide Giveaway.

Renee G said... 68

Entered the Playful Threads Giveaway.

Renee G said... 69

Entered the Executive Gift Shoppe Giveaway.

Renee G said... 70

Entered the Little Scholastic Books Giveaway. rsgrandinetti@yahoo(DOT)com

khaymax said... 71

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khaymax at hotmail dot com

MizVickik said... 72

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MizVickik said... 73

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MizVickik said... 74

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skicat said... 75

This would be great for making Christmas cards!

DanceJamboree said... 76

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dancejamboree at gmail dot com

DanceJamboree said... 77

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dancejamboree at gmail dot com

DanceJamboree said... 78

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dancejamboree at gmail dot com

entry one

DanceJamboree said... 79

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dancejamboree at gmail dot com

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DanceJamboree said... 80

I like Paperspring on facebook and posted:!/paperspring/posts/130802213639908

dancejamboree at gmail dot com

mail4rosey said... 81

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mail4rosey said... 82

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Molly K said... 83

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mail4rosey said... 84

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mail4rosey said... 85

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Anonymous said... 86

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Diane Baum

Anonymous said... 87

Sweet blog and thank you for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!

michtuck said... 88

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michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 89

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michtuck said... 90

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michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 91

2 I already Follow you via Facebook- iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

Pamela S said... 92

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Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

Pamela S said... 93

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Pamela S said... 94

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Pamela S said... 95

Voted at we're on the fence. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

Chrystal said... 96

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Chrystal said... 97

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Chrystal said... 98

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Chrystal said... 99

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Chrystal said... 100

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chrystaljns (at) gmail (dotcom)

AmyLynn said... 101

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(email in profile).

AmyLynn said... 102

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AmyLynn said... 103

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AmyLynn said... 104

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AmyLynn said... 105

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AmyLynn said... 106

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AmyLynn said... 107

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Anonymous said... 108

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Susan said... 109

I am a follower, I love this giveaway! suelee1998 @

Anonymous said... 110

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susansmoaks said... 111

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 112

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susansmoaks said... 113

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susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 114

fb fan tony l smoaks #2
susansmoaks at gmail dot com