Birthday Bash: Cookie Covers Review ~ The Review Stew
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Birthday Bash: Cookie Covers Review

Faith, the head of Cookie Covers, is a CEO of 5 little kids who in her spare time has turned her love of art, baking, and decorating into making edible and adorable cupcake toppers.

Make your cupcakes or cookies stand out and be the the center of your party! Cookie Covers Toppers add fun and creativity to plain cupcakes or cookies, or any dessert! They are 100% edible, made with high quality fondant that tastes like a marshmallow. Her designs are her own, never copied. They are all hand made.

She packages them individually to ensure they arrive all in 1 piece,and taste fresh. They ship to you via USPS Priority Mail, generally 2 to 3 days at the most. To store, you can just keep them in the package in which they are shipped. Just keep them away from heat and humidity. Refrigeration is not recommended either. The expiration for the toppers is 1 year from when they are shipped to you, however they tend to get harder over time. They taste best if eaten within 3 months from when you recieve them.

My Opinion
I love these elephant toppers I received from Cookie Covers! They fit perfectly with my jungle themed party (my sister who had a joint party with my son loves elephants!) and they really spiced up my cupcakes!

They were easy to put on and even tasty to eat! Aren't they so cute on the cupcakes?

I recommend Cookie Covers for all your cake and cupcake decorating! These toppers are easy to put on and really save time decorating. Plus, they look great! If I can do it, anyone can!

Buy It: You can purchase all cake toppers for various prices on the Cookie Covers Etsy shop.

* Thank you to Cookie Covers for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*