Tag! Move and Shake CD Review ~ The Review Stew
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tag! Move and Shake CD Review

I have said before how I am a huge music lover! After having a baby, however, my music taste has changed just a little...well a lot! I now listen to kid's music, lullabies, and nursery rhymes! :o) So when I had a chance to listen to the new Move & Shake CD from Tag! I was thrilled!

Tag! was born in a garage off of Moreland Avenue in Atlanta filled with toys, instruments, bicycles, three dogs, a cat and an active three year old. Each member called upon their past experience in music. Ian came from ska, reggae and punk. Justin worked in hip hop and metal and Karen came from a past of country, rockabilly and beat. Together they pooled their sources and wrote some songs for kids of all ages, parents and pets to sing along with in the car or while dancing around the living room.

My Opinion
My son and I LOVE to listen to music during the day and dance a little too! I put on music when I am changing him (to hopefully keep him still) and in the kitchen and car! I just love music and I want to pass that on to my son!

Well, the Tag! Move & Shake CD was the perfect CD to listen to with my son throughout the day! It was so fun, the words were easy to learn and sing along with, and it was so catchy! It is our new favorite for diaper changing time and I have all the words memorized and sing it to him all the time!

My favorite song is that when they sing the words to one of my favorite books Brown Bear (Brown Bear, What Do You See?) I love that they put it to music!

I recommend the Tag! Move & Shake CD for all children and music lovers! It was so fun to listen to and you will love singing along with your children!
Buy It: You can purchase the Tag! Move & Shake CD for $12.97 on their Myspace page.

* Thank you to Tag! for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*


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