Luv-Pons Book Review ~ The Review Stew
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Luv-Pons Book Review

Luv-Pons is a new book by Doug and Jackie Christie, the most talked about couple in professional sports history and the co-authors of the wildly popular book, No Ordinary Love: A True Story of Marriage and Basketball. They are back together in this book, Luv-Pons. This book is a fun variety love and romance guide for couples and Doug and Christie offer real solutions to couples in today's fast-paced lifestyle of the twenty-first century.

This book is written to re-ignite the fire in your relationship and keep it burning by using the innovative and fun ideas from the book.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

"The burning desire to love and be loved is within all of us. The need to feel happy fulfilled and wanted is only natural.
When to people first meet they start off putting their best foot forward to show the other person they are worthy of their time and company. But somewhere down the line that often changes. And they begin to take each other and the relationship for granted. Life’s daily routines begin to appear monotonous and the nervous, exited feeling each person felt in the beginning becomes obscured. the fire in the relationship may seem to die down a bit, but doesn’t really go out. It is just waiting for a breath of life that only love and romance can bring. “Luv-Pons”, is the way to re-igniting the fire you once shared!"

My Opinion
This book was a little book packed full of love poems, real life love stories, recipes, and, of course, great coupons to bring that spark back into your love life and married life! It was a fun book to read! If you are looking for a book to read and then talk over with a spouse to get some ideas on how to add a little extra romance to your relationship, then this is for you. It is definitely not for couples who are having major issues - it is more just a fun read for couples. It might be a fun present to give to a young couple just getting married or for a couple that has been married for 50 years. The coupons are a great idea (and there are a lot included!) and can be very fun to use! If your husband can't think of anything to do for Valentine's Day get him this book! I also love that the couple who wrote it, Doug and Jackie Christie, truly believe in love and romance and what they have written in this book. They have been married for 14 years and they are honored to be an exception in this world of divorces! They speak from experience in this book!

I recommend this book to couples looking to add that little extra spark in their relationship or need some ideas on romance.

Pros: easy to read, numerous coupons included that tear out easily for use, written by a couple who take marriage and romance very seriously

Cons: Nothing is really bad about this book...just don't take it as a marriage fixer if you have serious problems in your marriage

Buy It: You can purchase this book on the Luv-Pons website for $11.01

* Thank you to Pump Up Your Book for this book for review!
Disclosure - This book was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*