Start Your Spring Cleaning with FilterSnap ~ The Review Stew
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Start Your Spring Cleaning with FilterSnap

A product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.

One of things you may have not thought of lately as you Spring Clean is your air filter! I know I hadn't thought about ours until FilterSnap reached out to me about their great service!

If you think you have clean air in your house, think again. If you haven’t changed your air filters, you’re not only wasting energy and upping your energy bill by some 15%, but you’re also exposing your family to an array of pollutants that would keep you awake at night if you knew about them.

So be sure to add filter changing to your spring to-do list – and to make it easy, use a service like Filter Snap that delivers filters to your door on any schedule you choose. Just tell the company your filter size (you’ ll find it on your existing filter), and select the filter quality you’d like (basic, standard or ultimate) and the replacement schedule (1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 months). When the box shows up, you’ll know it’s time for a filter change. Your family – and your allergies – will love you for it.

Even I could figure out what type of filter we had and I loved that Filter Snap offers a Ultimate filter that is great for allergies, which my family suffers from on occasion. Plus, we have moved into a new house and the previous owner had pets so we really wanted to filter that out of our air!

The Ultimate filter is Great Wall of China of air filters. Even the smallest dirt particles will meet their match with this filter. This is the best choice if you have family members that suffer from major allergies or asthma.

It filters:

  • Pollen 
  • Dirt 
  • Pet Dander 
  • Virus 
  • Smoke
  • Smog 
  • Lead 
  • Oil 
  • Micro Allergens

So definitely make changing your air filter easy this Spring with FilterSnap! You get to skip the trip to the store, and get a better quality filter for about the same cost. Plus, I don't have to worry about remembering to change it again because another on will arrive in the mail and remind me!

And best of all, try it worry free. If you don’t like FilterSnap they’ll give your money back!

Buy It: 

You can purchase the FilterSnap service starting at $27 from the FilterSnap website.

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* Thank you to FilterSnap for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*