Spend Mother's Day Reading Karen Kingsbury's NEW Book, Chasing Sunsets! ~ The Review Stew
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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spend Mother's Day Reading Karen Kingsbury's NEW Book, Chasing Sunsets!

A book was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.

Since I can remember, the one thing I always asked to do on my special day, my birthday, was to be able to just sit in my bed and read a book! Nothing is more relaxing to me or more of a gift to myself than getting to sit in bed, cuddle up with the blankets and read a good book!

Now that I am a mother, I yearn for that kind of quiet time to sit and read by myself. So on special days, like my birthday and Mother's Day, that is usually all I ask of my husband. "Please take the kids for a little bit so I can just sit, drink my coffee and ready my great book!" That is the ultimate gift to me! :)

This Mother's Day, I will be cuddling up with my coffee and a new book by my favorite Christian author, Karen Kingsbury! It will be the ultimate gift to myself! :)

Chasing Sunsets was released on April 7th and is the second book in her Angels Walking Series. However, it is a stand alone book and can be read separately.

Karen Kingsbury believes fiction readers are fascinated with the supernatural. But with a glut of material dealing with the dark side, Karen’s new Angels Walking series deals with the light. Specifically angels carrying out missions on earth. Karen’s characters are desperately in need of divine intervention in her latest book, Chasing Sunsets {Howard Books / April 7th}.

In the second book in a series about angels on mission, Karen shares the dramatic story of a baseball player looking to make a difference and the woman he’s drawn to, who is on her own quest to find deeper meaning in life. Despite Mary Catherine’s intention to stay single, she finds herself drawing closer to MVP baseball player for the LA Dodgers, Marcus Dillinger. Their budding romance offers an exciting life she never dreamed of. That is, until she receives devastating news from her doctor. News that alters her future and forces her to make a rash decision.

Known for her Life-Changing Fiction® Kingsbury believes that angels do play a role in our lives today. In a letter to readers at the back of Chasing Sunsets, Karen details her own encounter with an angel. “Most of the time when angels walk this planet, we miss it,” says Kingsbury. “Sure, we might hesitate when just the right person brings us a timely message or bit of help,” she adds. “But we rarely ask ourselves, was that an angel?”

Check out the Full BOOK SYNOPSIS: 

Growing up in a comfortable home, Mary Catherine wanted for nothing. Now though, Mary Catherine pursues meaning through charity work, giving away a part of herself but never giving away her heart. 
Mary Catherine lives in Los Angeles with her roommate, Sami, and volunteers at a local youth center with coach Tyler Ames and LA Dodgers Marcus Dillinger. Despite Mary Catherine’s intention to stay single, she finds herself drawing close to Marcus, and their budding romance offers an exciting life she never dreamed of. That is, until she receives devastating news from her doctor. News that alters her future and forces her to make a rash decision.

Chasing Sunsets will lead readers to contemplate topics such as:

· Are angels real?

· Do angels walk among us and intervene on our behalf?

· Is there a possibility that angels might fail?

· Gang warfare –What can communities do to help those in need of a second chance?

· Today’s millennial generation is searching for meaning in life.

· How social media can be a powerful rallying tool in times of crisis.

· Karen’s background as a sports reporter for the Los Angeles Times played a role in this latest book set in Los Angeles and featuring an MVP baseball pitcher for the LA Dodgers.

Check out the Trailer: 

Inspirational and moving, Chasing Sunsets is the story of two very different people, and their quest for deeper meaning and a love they never thought possible.

Buy It: 

You can purchase Chasing Sunsets for $15.83 from Amazon.com

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* Disclosure - This book was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*