The Global Christmas ~ The Review Stew
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Global Christmas

I like to integrate other cultures into my son's world so that his eyes are open to a bigger world than the one he sees everyday! So when I saw the great book, The Global Christmas by Pam Renzi, I knew this would be a great way to teach him about other cultures and how they celebrate the upcoming holiday season! The rhymes are fun and easy to read and it has a great message!

In her new children’s book, The Global Christmas, Renzi uses a unique around-the-world perspective to refocus the holiday season on these aspects of compassion, sharing and unity.

Pamella Renzi has had a teaching career of over forty years in different countries. She is very multicultural in her approach to stories. She hopes to promote simple spiritual values in her work. She lives in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. This is her first children's story. Ashleigh Green is a fine arts student at UBC Okanagan in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Her illustrations capture the enthusiasm, joy, and essence of a global Christmas.

Check out this excerpt:
It was the month before christmas, and I was a thinkin'
In my little house of the problems of linking.
Of all those countries from the East to the West,
All around the great earth, to the ground where we rest.
Of making Christmas a gigantic feast,
Everyone is invited from the greatest to the least.
Be it king, or a prince, or a baby so small,
They are all invited to my party, so let's have a ball!
Buy It: You can purchase The Global Christmas for $15.95 on

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* Disclosure - This book was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*