2013 Playdate Adventure Goals ~ The Review Stew
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

2013 Playdate Adventure Goals

Now that I have moved back to the state where all of my husband's and most of my family and friends live, my children get to finally get to know their cousins really well and will actually have friends to play with for playdates and outings!

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to really make an effort to get my son and daughter together with more children their age to help their social development along with get them out to more outings to fun places around our new home!

Check out my list below of my 2013 Playdate Adventure Goals for the new year:

  • Get my children together with other children their age at least once a week
  • Get out with our family and children's friends to the local Children's Museum 
  • Build snowmans, snowangels, and other snow fun this winter to get out of the house!
  • Go on a family vacation in Summer 2013 and experience a new location together as a family!

What are your Playdate Goals for your children this new year???

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