Holiday Hurricane Rebound Campaign ~ The Review Stew
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Holiday Hurricane Rebound Campaign

Recently the Touchstone Crystal Division of Swarovski announced the launch of a “ Holiday Hurricane Rebound campaign” to support its independent entrepreneurs on the East Coast impacted by Hurricane Sandy. According to the group, approximately 250 of the entrepreneurs who depend on income generated from in-home party sales of its branded product on the East Coast have been devastated by the storm. Circumstances for these entrepreneurs range from long-term loss of heat and power to complete home loss.

This “Holiday Hurricane Rebound” campaign will allow individuals from anywhere in the country to partner with a specific Touchstone Crystal small business owner on the East Coast whose circumstances have been effected by the storm to the degree that her or his ability to generate income in their community via traditional means is seriously challenged. Participants will have a chance to connect with a Touchstone Crystal entrepreneur directly, online or via telephone, and set up an online jewelry sales party during the holiday season. In addition to initiating this campaign and working to help secure party partners and facilitate the parties, Touchstone Crystal will make double jewelry credit awards available to remote hosts who choose to sign up for this program.

Each product in the Touchstone Crystal line is made with Swarovski Crystal and follows its strict quality guidelines. For more information on the “Holiday Hurricane Rebound” campaign by Touchstone Crystal by Swarovski, visit

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*Disclosure: I received a product for posting this information*