Stop Struggling and Get A Baby Carrier! ~ The Review Stew
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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stop Struggling and Get A Baby Carrier!

I am sure most moms can relate to the fact that we NEVER HAVE ENOUGH HANDS! I seriously wish I could grow about two more hands (on each side!) because I could do so many more things at once! :) 

What do you do to help yourself multi-task or when you wish you had more hands? 

I personally use a baby carrier or sling to carry my daughter if she is fussy! She always seems to get crabby and clingy when I am trying to make dinner, bake, or do laundry! I also wear her on walks so I don't have to drag out the stroller each time! Plus, it is great exercise!

There are two great products made by TogetherBe that can help busy and multi-tasking moms: Peekaru Original and Freehand Mei Tai. They are two different products but are great for keeping baby safe, comfortable and warm while allowing you the full use of BOTH hands!

I love the Freehand Mei Tai because it works for all family members to wear and it can be worn on the hip, back and front! And with the cooler weather here this Fall and Winter, the Peekaru Original is perfect for parents that want to continue to "wear" their children outside! You just zip it up over your carrier and you are ready to keep your baby warm and toasty in cooler weather!

So next time you are struggling holding or doing everything at once, think about getting a carrier or sling for your children! It has for sure been a lifesaver for me as a parent!

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