Take Your ciao! baby Portable High Chair Everywhere This Summer! ~ The Review Stew
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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Take Your ciao! baby Portable High Chair Everywhere This Summer!

Where are you going on vacation this summer?

With a newborn, we took a couple short trips to visit family in Minnesota, but besides that we are sticking close to home this summer. It can be really hard to travel with two kids under three. They have so many needs and accessories...sometimes I seriously think we need a bus for all the things we have to take along with us when traveling - diapers, baby food, bottles, port-a-cribs, blankets, stuffed animals, booster seats, and on and on and on!! It seems endless these days...I seriously dread leaving on trips sometimes!

And the minute I get in the car and am far enough away that we can't turn back, I ALWAYS realize I forgot something...probably something big...something like the high chair for my baby! Now what will my baby sit in to eat their messy meals!!??

Have you lived a similar scenario on your summer vacations??

Well, let me relieve one of your stressers when packing because I have found a must-have for all summer vacations and for all families with small children: the ciao! baby portable high chair was created for little ones 4 months to 3 years old. It is so unique and user-friendly with a no-fuss one piece with its proprietary flexible seat and tray that requires no assembly, unfolds easily, locks into place and folds up in seconds when parents and their tots are ready to roll.

This chair is perfect for any trip you are taking this summer! If you are going camping, add this chair to your other camping chairs and always have a chair for your child to eat in or play in! If you are going to grandma's, never search for a high chair, hold your child the whole meal, or make your child sit on phone books (my son still has to do that at grandma's!). Just go grab your ciao! baby portable high chair and always have a safe place to put your child! Picnics, potlucks, reunions...always have your ciao! baby seat near by!

I absolutely love how easy it is to carry and I can simply store it and leave it in the back of the car for road trips, eating out at restaurants, picnics and family get togethers! That way I never forget it and don't have some place for my daughter to eat again! 

So next time you are headed out on your vacation (and you forget your booster seat or high chair for your child to eat!), you will wish you you had your ciao! baby portable high chair! So head over and get yours now so you never have to worry about forgetting something important again when packing!

Buy It: You can purchase ciao! baby online for $67.99 + shipping & handling at http://www.theportablehighchair.com 

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* Thank you to ciao! baby for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*


Terra Heck said...

A high chair like this would be excellent when camping.