Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique Review ~ The Review Stew
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique Review

I have talked to you before about Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique but I just love them so much and all their products that I just had to include them in this year's gift guide! They have so many great products - not just diapers! You are sure to find the perfect gift for that natural mother or child on their site!

The goal for Sweetbottoms is to provide families like yours with a variety of great natural products, outstanding customer service and support, and the opportunity to see, feel, and compare before purchasing. Whether you're looking for convenience, an economical solution, or to surround your little one in only natural fibers, let them help you find the perfect cloth diapering system for YOUR family! Each product in their store has been carefully selected to enhance your natural parenting experience and bring you a little closer to mother earth.

At Sweetbottoms, they believe in natural living, natural parenting, and going green! They'd love to help you give your little one the most natural start in life.

My Opinion
Once again, I elected to receive the bumGenius Elemental All-in-one diaper from Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique! What can I say? I am completely in love with this diaper and I can't get enough! :)

However, you have heard about the diaper before. Today, I want to tell you about Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique! If you are looking for safe, natural and organic products you must hurry over to Sweetbottoms! Beth, the owner, is soooo helpful and nice and she will definitely help you find just what you need!

They have such a variety of products and all are safe and natural for you and your child! Besides their great cloth diaper selection, they have great baby skin care products and my favorite - a whole Organic section!

I definitely recommend Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique for all your holiday shopping this year! You will love looking at their great selection and you will feel good about buying and using all their safe and natural products!

Buy It: You can purchase all their great products on the Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique website.

* Thank you to Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*