Savvy Rest Pillow Giveaway! ~ The Review Stew
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Savvy Rest Pillow Giveaway!

Remember that GREAT pillow from Savvy Rest that I talked about the other day??? If not, click here to see why I loved it so much!

Well, good news for all of you!!! Savvy Rest loves my readers so much that they want to give you all a chance to own that great pillow too!!!

Win It: Savvy Rest is generously offering (1) shredded latex pillow to a lucky winner!

Enter here for a chance to win:
(1) shredded latex pillow from Savvy Rest

Ok, here are the rules:
1) This giveaway will end October 2, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. (noon) central time.

2) Must include email address in comment/entry to qualify to win (so I can let you know you won) or tell me it is in your profile

3) This contest is open to residents of the continental U.S.

How to Enter:

***Mandatory Entry***
(must do this one before all others to qualify to win)

- Be a follower of The Review Stew on Google Friend Connect (publicly) and tell me you are currently one or became one in a comment below

Extra Entries (Make a Separate Comment For Each!!):
1) Subscribe to my feed by clicking on the book or subscribe by email (must confirm address) on left hand side of blog - let me know you did in a comment

2) Become a Facebook fan of The Review Stew - let me know in a comment (TWO ENTRIES!!!)

3) Become a fan of Savvy Rest on Facebook - tell me in a comment

4) Vote for my blog on Top Mommy Blogs, Top Baby Blogs, or We're On the Fence - make a separate comment for each

5) Enter any of my other giveaways - see the list on right hand side of blog. Let me know each giveaway entered in a comment (up to 5 entries only for giveaways entered)

6) Grab my Birthday Bash button or my blog button and post it on your blog - let me know you did and the link to your blog in a comment. (If you grab both, that is two separate entries!!!)

7) Go to Savvy Rest's blog and leave a comment. Leave me a link to the comment.

Winners will be chosen randomly by, contacted by email and Savvy Rest will send your prize by mail.


Anonymous said... 1

I am a follower

Lindsey said... 2

Ohhh... I was bummed when there wasn't a giveaway with your review the other day! I wanted to try this pillow!!! :)
I follow you via GFC!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 3

I like you on FB! 1
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 4

I like you on FB! 2
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 5

I voted for you on TMB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 6

I voted for you on TBB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 7

I voted for you on WotF.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 8

I entered the Sage Diaper giveaway.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 9

I entered the 2 by 2 Boutique giveaway.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

char_char said... 10

I am a follower!

I'd like to invite you to an awesome mommy forum, where there are lots of fun things to learn and some very cool ladies to share an get advice from. Come check it out. :)


Josefine said... 11

I voted on Top Mommy Blogs.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 12

I voted on WOTF.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 13

I entered the Bondi Band giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 14

I entered the SPI Belt giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 15

I entered the Shabby Apple giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 16

I entered the Enstrom's giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

Josefine said... 17

I entered the 2 by 2 Boutique giveaway.
jteneback at hotmail dot com

debbie said... 18

I am a gfc follower.

debbie said... 19

I am a email subscriber.

Krista said... 20

I follow you via gfc
kaye333 at hotmail dot com
krista m

Krista said... 21

E-mail subscriber to TRS
kaye333 at hotmail dot com
krista m

Krista said... 22

FB fan of TRS
krista m
kaye333 at hotmail dot com

Krista said... 23

FB fan of TRS
krista m
kaye333 at hotmail dot com

Krista said... 24

I like Savvy Rest on FB
krista m
kaye333 at hotmail dot com

Krista said... 25

Voted on Top Mommy Blogs - 9/24
kaye333 at hotmail dot com
krista m

Krista said... 26

voted on top baby blogs - 9/24
krista m
kaye333 at hotmail dot com

Krista said... 27

voted on we're on the fence - 9/24
krista m
kaye333 at hotmail dot com

Krista said... 28

Review Stew button is on my blog
kaye333 at hotmail dot com
krista m

Patricia N said... 29

I follow your blog via GFC as pmnsl95
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 30

I’m an email subscriber
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 31

Facebook fan of The Review Stwe
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 32

I voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 33

I voted for you at Top Baby Blogs
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 34

I voted for you at We're on the Fence
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 35

I entered the SPIbelt giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 36

I entered the Shabby Apple giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Patricia N said... 37

I entered the Enstrom's Toffee giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

C M Mommy said... 38

I get your emails

C M Mommy said... 39

I voted for you on top baby

Unknown said... 40

I'm a follower of yours through GFC!

Unknown said... 41

I'm a fan of Savvy Rest Organic Mattresses on Facebook now!

Unknown said... 42

I follow The Review Stew on Facebook

Unknown said... 43

I follow The Review Stew on Facebook

Unknown said... 44

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!

Unknown said... 45

I voted for you on We're on The Fence!

Kimberly said... 46

I subscribe via email.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 47

I voted on Top Baby Blogs.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 48

I entered your Estrom's giveaway.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 49

I entered your Sage Diaper giveaway.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 50

I entered your Shabby Apple giveaway.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 51

I entered your 2 by 2 giveaway.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 52

I subscribe by email.

Sarah said... 53

I entered your Sage Diaper giveaway.

sharonjo said... 54

I follow publicly on google friend connect. (sharonjo) Thanks!

sharonjo at gwtc dot net

Rachel said... 55

Follow on GFC


Rachel said... 56

voted on top mommy blogs


Rachel said... 57

voted on top baby blogs


Rachel said... 58

voted on picket fence


Patricia N said... 59

I entered the MiracleBody Jeans giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Rachel said... 60

Subscribed to email list


amara said... 61

I am a follower

amara said... 62

i entered dress ga

amara said... 63

I voted TMB

amara said... 64

I am facebook fan of your blog #1

amara said... 65

I am facebook fan of your blog #2

amara said... 66

I voted TBB

amara said... 67

I voted WOTF

amara said... 68

I subscribe by email

Rebekah said... 69

I subscribe to your feed in google reader

miryfaye at

Rebekah said... 70

1. I like Review Stew on Facebook - Rebekah F.

miryfaye at

Rebekah said... 71

I entered the Almond Toffee giveaway

miryfaye at

Louis H said... 72

Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

Louis H said... 73

I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)

Louis H said... 74

I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)

Louis H said... 75

I like Savvy Rest Organic Mattresses on facebook (Louis Here)

Louis H said... 76

I voted for your blog at Top Baby Blogs

Louis H said... 77

I voted for your Blog on Picket Fence Blogs

Grandma Bonnie said... 78

I voted on top mommy blogs

Grandma Bonnie said... 79

I voted on top baby blogs

Grandma Bonnie said... 80

I voted on we're on the fence

Bao said... 81

Following w/GFC! @ gmail

Patricia N said... 82

I entered the alo giveaway
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

Emma B. said... 83

I'm a GFC follower!

cheapskate4life at

Emma B. said... 84

Email subscriber (emma.bauer at

Emma B. said... 85

Facebook fan #1

Emma B. said... 86

Like Savvy Rest on facebook

Emma B. said... 87

Your button is on my blog!

Rachel said... 88

grabbed your birthday bash button at my new blog

rstcere at gmail dot com