Weight Loss Event: KettleWorx Review ~ The Review Stew
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Weight Loss Event: KettleWorx Review

I am the kind of person that really needs to change up my workouts once in awhile because I get bored. KettleWorx was just what I needed at this point in my life: it was new, challenging and didn't take much time out of my week and day!

KettleWorx is a program that uses the kettlebell as a tool to deliver Cardio, Core and Resistance all in short 20 minute workouts. It works so well because your body becomes the ultimate fitness machine, moving in 3 dimensions, like nature intended. You're toning every muscle, getting resistance plus core plus cardio AND you're transforming your body in just six short weeks. Just 20 minutes, 3 times a week. One hour a week anytime, on your schedule!

To start the program, the customer chooses 3 days of the week as their KettleWorx days:

On Day 1 (example Monday) they pop in Cardio and do the Week 1 Workout

On Day 2 (example Wednesday) they pop in Core and do the Week 1 Workout

On Day 3 (example Friday) they pop in Resistance and do the Week 1 Workout

Week 1 is now complete and they have only invested 1 Hour. 5 more weeks/hours to go!

My Opinion
I have always heard great things about kettlebells and how effective their workouts are but I had never tried it until now! I was so excited to try this six week KettleWorx program because they guarantee it will work!

And for the most part it did! I trimmed about two pants sizes and I definitely saw my muscle coming back and the toning happening!

My husband and I did these workouts faithfully 3 times a week for 20 minutes. I loved that they were short and concise but effective. They made us sweat and really feel it the next day. Each week the workouts seemed to get a little harder just to keep us challenged.

The only negative thing I have to say about the KettleWorx workouts is that the leader guy who was instructing us through all the workouts was a little off sometimes. Sometimes we would do way fewer reps on one side than the other or he would say one more rep and then not actually do one more. He was very hard to follow at times and even the background people working out with him in the background got confused. They couldn't follow him either! (It was kind of funny at times to watch). Also, each individual exercise is just simply taped once and then repeated throughout each workout and with each rep...therefore, I heard the instructor say the exact same thing at least two times each workout and 5 more times with each additional week! My husband and I could actually repeat his exact words for each workout after a couple of sessions! :o)

I recommend KettleWorx for everyone that wants to tone up a bit, lose some weight, or change up their workouts! If you don't mind the little editing issues, repeating, and screw ups made by the leader, then you will love these workouts!

Pros: challenging workouts, pretty fun to do, helped change up my weightlifting and workout routine, combines cardio, core, and resistance with every workout!

Cons: There were many editing and instructor mistakes and every workout was recorded once and played various times throughout the weeks...it gets a little old hearing the same thing over and over again

Buy It: You can purchase KettleWorx in various packages starting at $89.95 on the KettleWorx website.

* Thank you to KettleWorx for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*


Jenn said...

I agree with your objection on this! I'm on week 5 of my review. I love it but the leader is off sometimes. That doesn't really bother me. It's more that I hate working one side more than the other. Other than that I love kettleworx.

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