Fashion Forms Review ~ The Review Stew
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fashion Forms Review

Are you searching for a great new bra or strapless bra? Or how about a cool new accessory like lingerie tape to hold some daringly low tops in place or Touch-Ups portable lint removers for people on the go? Well, then you will love Fashion Forms! They have all your needs met in one place!

Imagination is our Foundation
Ann Deal’s slogan (shown above) underscores the Fashion Forms mission – to use creativity and innovation to deliver the newest and the best non-surgical, breast enhancing bras and bra accessories for special occasion fashions and everyday wear. You will love looking through all their great innovative products!

My Opinion
Fashion Forms had such a great variety of products - and so many of them were so innovative and helpful for everyday problems women face! I graciously received the Touch-Ups, Dress & Lingerie Tapes, Breast Petals, and a bandeau strapless bra!

I absolutely love the Touch-Ups! They are portable lint removers and fit in your pocket or purse. You just simply slide the disposable lint remover over your hand to remove lint, pet hair, fuzz, dandruff or any other unwanted annoyance that may be stuck to you. These are perfect for my purse when I notice right before I go somewhere important that I missed something on my outfit, my husband's, or my son's clothing! I will never have to worry about the embarrassment again!

The Breast Petals are petals that have padded centers and are great for wearing over your nipples - with or without your bra. They are great for T-shirts, swimsuits & sweaters. They will also be great for wearing with a dress that I just can't fit a bra under or can't wear one with!

The Dress and Lingerie Tape would be something my mom would love for me when I was a teenager! :o) Sheer, double-sided & non-toxic, these garment & body adhesives hold the most daring dresses & tops in place! What a genius idea! I know of several shirts and dresses that this will be perfect for - it will keep me a little more comortable while I wear a low cut shirt - and my husband will be happy I am not showing too much cleavage! :o)

However, my favorite item from Fashion Forms was the bandeau strapless bra. I have been searching and searching for that perfect strapless bra - one that was comfortable, supported my breasts, and stayed up! I have finally found it from Fashion Forms! The Bandeau bra met everyone of my criteria and was cute too! It was strapless, lightweight and comfortable but was so supportive at the same time! It includes removable cups and even supports without under-wires! It is my new favorite bra to wear because it is so comfortable. I don't have to shy away from new shirts that require a strapless bra anymore! In fact, I immediately went out shopping just to find some cute new shirts that I could wear with this strapless bra! :o)

I recommend Fashion Forms for all your bra, fashion, and accessory needs! They have something for everyone's needs - whether it is a new bra you are looking for or a specific accessory they have them all!

Buy It: You can purchase Fashion Forms products at many of the finest boutiques and retail stores nationwide, as well as on various online lingerie websites. Click here to find the nearest retailer to you!

* Thank you to Fashion Forms for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*