Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Cloth Diaper Review ~ The Review Stew
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Cloth Diaper Review

Happy Heinys from Thanks Mama uses its own custom milled fleece and high quality products in the manufacturing of its products. The diaper fits most babies from about 8 lbs- 35 lbs.

Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper are available in 22 different colors and several different prints. Their prints are unique and designed by their company for use only on their products. Their prints for the one size diapers are made out of the same high quality fabrics that their solids are made out of. The fabrics have been tested to last up to 12 hours at night for most babies.

Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper also comes with 2 micro fiber inserts - one small and one large insert. You may use either 1 insert or both or more as needed depending on how heavy your little one wets. The hemp stuffins also fit well into the one size diapers.

My Opinion
When I received the Happy Heiny's, I was thrilled to try a diaper that claimed to last 12 hours at night! That is exactly what I need! So I bet you are wondering if it could withstand the massive amounts of pee that my son seems to produce at night!?

Well, sadly I was a little disappointed. I first just tried it at naptime (2 hours only) with an extra insert and extra cover. Thank goodness I added them because he soaked through the inserts and the waterproof cover itself. If I wouldn't have added the extra cover over the top of the diaper, I am guessing the pee would have soaked through his clothes. However, it did hold in some solids wonderfully that my son produced while in this diaper! They did not leak and I was very thankful for that!

Using it while he was awake and for shorter periods of time, it worked just wonderfully. It was easy to use and so soft against my son's skin! It is great that you can just add the inserts ahead of time and then slip the diaper on like a disposable! Great when you have a squirmy one like I do!

Night Time/Nap Time Use: Didn't soak through clothes because of extra cover but the diaper itself was soaked. I wouldn't use at night again.

Day Time Use: This diaper was easy to use and was very soft on the inside! It worked great if I used it for short periods of time while he was awake. I loved that it didn't require a cover (at least for day use with my heavy wetter) thus it was easy to put on and off!

I recommend Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diapers for general cloth diapering and for squirmy ones! Just make sure to have some extra inserts and maybe an extra cover if you have a heavy wetter like me!!

Pros: easy to put on, lots of different colors to choose from, one size for all!, soft on the inside, no cover required (but may be needed with heavy wetter), comes with two microfiber inserts

Cons: Didn't hold up for very long without peeing soaking through, didn't hold up to their claim of lasting 12 hours

Buy It: You can purchase Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper for $18.95 on the Thanks Mama website

* Thank you to Thanks Mama for their product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*