Birthday Bash Event: Baby Diner Review and Giveaway ~ The Review Stew
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Birthday Bash Event: Baby Diner Review and Giveaway

Let's get this Birthday Bash off to a great start!!! This month I will feature great presents, decorations, treats, and party supplies that would be perfect for and child's birthday party! I am starting today with a great gift idea - the Baby Diner! Plus, there will be TWO great winners of the giveaway to kick off this fun birthday event so read on and enter to win your very own Baby Diner!

I have one of those children that will destroy everything in their path! :) This includes their food, plates, forks, spoons, etc! So when I saw the Baby Diner, I knew this would be perfect for my son for mealtime!

The Lil' Diner Plate Saver was invented by a father who was frustrated with the restaurant experience since becoming a parent. Once Jesse Jr. became old enough to eat at the table, dad realized that this meant choosing between: A) feeding Jr. off a clean restaurant plate that he would most likely throw to the ground; B) feeding Jr. off the dirty restaurant table after trying in vain to wipe it with a baby wipe; or C) relying on store bought solutions which all entailed regular washings with soap and water after every use. The father set about creating a fourth option; a tool that would allow a child to eat off of a regular smooth bottom sided plate or bowl from any restaurant without the worry of it falling to the floor and assurance of a sanitary dining experience for his little one!

The Baby Diner is a device that attaches to any smooth table top or structure and allows a parent or guardian to secure a plate, bowl or any other dinnerware to prevent accidentally knocking or throwing of plates, bowls and even cups (with the cup holder attachment) on the floor by young children, persons with special needs or outdoor enthusiasts. It also provides a safe and sanitary eating environment when dining out. Baby Diner works great with all standard restaurant bowls, plates and baskets of all types. Practically anything that has a smooth and non-porous bottom works!

My Opinion
I really like the idea of the Baby Diner! I can actually give my son food on a plate and not have him throw the plate across the room? I am sold!! :) I love that it eliminates the mess on the high chair too because it all stays right on a plate that I can just throw in the dishwasher!

Unfortunately, it didn't work so well for me...:( I don't know if it just the kind of dishes we use (I did try several types though) or just the age my son is at or maybe it is just his pure strength, but the dish did not last very long on the suction cup!

The bottom suction cups worked great and I could barely get it off when I wanted to, but the suction cup that stuck to the actual dish was not able to withstand my son every time.

I am hoping this will work better when he is older and isn't quite as destructive! :)

I recommend the Baby Diner for all children that may not be quite as destructive as my son and are ready to eat off a plate gently! I love the idea of the Baby Diner and I hope someday to use it!

Buy It: You can purchase the Baby Diner for $11.99 on the Lil' Diner website or at other online locations like Babies R and

Win It: Lil' Diner is generously offering (1) Baby Diner to TWO lucky winners!

Enter here for a chance to win:
(1) Baby Diner from Lil' Diner

(There will be TWO Winners!!!)

Ok, here are the rules:
1) This giveaway will end October 15, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. (noon) central time.

2) Must include email address in comment/entry to qualify to win (so I can let you know you won) or tell me it is in your profile

How to Enter:

***Mandatory Entry***
(must do this one before all others to qualify to win)

- Be a follower of The Review Stew on Google Friend Connect (publicly) and tell me you are currently one or became one in a comment below

Extra Entries (Make a Separate Comment For Each!!):
1) Subscribe to my feed by clicking on the book or subscribe by email (must confirm address) on left hand side of blog - let me know you did in a comment

2) Become a Facebook fan of The Review Stew - let me know in a comment (TWO ENTRIES!!!)

3) Become a fan of Baby Diner on Facebook - tell me in a comment and write on their wall: "I just entered for a chance to win a free Baby Diner! Come check it out and enter for yourself at"

4) Vote for my blog on Top Mommy Blogs, Top Baby Blogs, or We're On the Fence - make a separate comment for each

5) Enter any of my other giveaways - see the list on right hand side of blog. Let me know each giveaway entered in a comment (up to 5 entries only for giveaways entered)

6) Grab my Birthday Bash button, my Holiday Gift Guide button or my blog button and post it on your blog - let me know you did and the link to your blog in a comment.

7) Follow Baby Diner on Twitter - tell me you are in a comment

Winners will be chosen randomly by, contacted by email and Lil' Diner will send your prize by mail.

* Thank you to Lil' Diner for their generous samples for review!
Disclosure - This product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*


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