Keep the Kids Busy and Having Fun This Summer with Doodle Hog Crafting Kits! ~ The Review Stew
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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Keep the Kids Busy and Having Fun This Summer with Doodle Hog Crafting Kits!

A product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.

As nice as Summer break is for parents and kids, it can also be hard to adjust to! What are the kids supposed to do all day? 

Well, in our house, we like to keep busy in the summers playing outside and doing CRAFTS!!!

Doodle Hog is helping us out this summer and taking the hassle out of coming up with new ideas with their wide range of affordable crafting kits. The company makes kits that allow kids to paint and create their own one-of-a-kind squishies as well as tie dye, journaling, chalk stenciling, scrapbooking, string art and friendship bracelet kits. 

All of Doodle Hog’s crafting kits come with everything you need to complete the activity and most of the activities are suitable for kids ages 5 and up.

In our house, Squishies are a bid deal! My daughter is obsessed!!! So she is definitely going to stay busy and love doing the Paint Your Own Squishies Set!

The Paint Your Own Squishies Oh-So-Sweet Kit includes everything you and your child will need to decorate three large squishes! Includes: 3 Large, slow rise squishies 4 Large bottles of paint (red, white, yellow and brown) 2 Quality paint brushes 1 Bag of sprinkles Color guide Easy-to-follow instructions.

And for children of all ages, the Dab and Dot Markers are so fun for artwork of all kinds! My preschoolers love these! And I love them as their teacher because they are easy to hold, don't make a big mess and have great color!

Overall, I am really happy with products from Doodle Hog as both a mother AND a Preschool Teacher!

Their craft kits have everything you need to have fun and be artistic this summer and they are great for ALL ages!

Buy It:

You can purchase Doodle Hog crafting kits from

Disclosure: A product was given for review for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.


Shooting Stars Mag said... 1

These are so cute! I know my nieces and nephew would LOVE the paint your own squishies kit!
